Following on from Max Cooper’s remarkable Repetition video collaboration last September with Kevin McGloughlin is a mini album of reworks utilising a sound design technique known as 3D Binaural Headphone Surround Audio. “Become surrounded in a world of 3D audio, or is it 8D?”
There’s more info and an approachable history of the binaural recording technique invented in the 50’s on the Bandcamp release page
“Now that we’re all at home isolating during the coronavirus epidemic, and with renewed interest in spatial audio, it seemed like a great time for some headphone experiments. … I thought I’d experiment with a fully 3D binaural audio world where there are many binaural parts interacting, and all sounds are presented in this format.”
There’s also two new videos. One for the opening track which sounds a bit like the ultimate synth demo. Succulent tones slinking around in 8D! The other is a link to a youtube video in a more ambient vein incorporating a visual time-shredding of the space continuum – as seen below for your convenience: Enjoy!